Paternity Testing Centers of Canada
(877) 777-4004
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(877) 777-4004

DNA Identification Profiling

DNA profiling is a service in which an individual's DNA is collected and from that a DNA profile is created. DNA profiles are a set of encrypted numbers that will reflect a person's DNA makeup, which in this case can also be used as the person's identifier. 16 different DNA aspects are tested to create an individuals profile to ensure that it is specific to the participant. That profile is then released to you and then a copy is kept on file to act as a genetic fingerprint for possible future DNA comparison.

There are three main reasons that someone would want to create a DNA profile for themselves or for a family member.
  • DNA profiles can be kept on file to help with determining family relationships, should they pass away and parties make legal claims on their estate.

  • Children's DNA profiles may be useful for identification should something happen to them in the future, such as abductions or runaways.

  • Individuals in high-risk situations, such as army employees, have their DNA profiles kept on record in case identification of their remains becomes necessary.
In any of these situations A DNA test could be conducted on remains, the living individual or another individual to see if they match the DNA profile on record.

The benefits of creating a DNA profile as a form of identification is that, unlike a name, picture or even social security number, a DNA profile is specific to a certain individual and will remain constant through their lifetime.
DNA Identification Profiling
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Every case is unique and to ensure all the needs of our clients are fully served, we require you to call our toll free number 1 (877) 777-4004 in order to book your test.