Paternity Testing Centers of Canada
(877) 777-4004
100% Canadian
Owned Company

(877) 777-4004


Uncertainty about parentage can have life-long psychological consequences. DNA paternity testing is the most advanced and accurate method available for resolving these parentage questions. Paternity Testing Centers of Canada can perform both Legal (court approved) and Non-legal tests. With advanced DNA technology, paternity testing is accurate, rapid and an affordable means for obtaining conclusive answers with respect to parentage.

Paternity Testing Centers of Canada care about our clients and ensure that every test performed is strictly confidential.

The laboratory has a strict privacy policy where all employees sign a confidentiality agreement upon hiring and are given training on the corporate Privacy Policy.

How long are swabs kept?
Swabs are either consumed during testing or destroyed after testing. The DNA extracts are kept for 1 year before being destroyed.

How long is my private information on file?
Minimum 5 years.

Will my DNA be used to test for Medical Abnormalities that could then be acquired by my insurance company?
No, a relationship test is a totally different test that what is required for Medical Testing. Your DNA will not be used for any other type of testing than what we have been hired to do. Paternity Testing Centers of Canada is strictly confidential, and under no circumstances would release you DNA to anyone else, or give any of your private information to another party.

How do we send out the reports?
Reports are sent out through the mail. The report will come to the address that you provide us at the time of ordering your test. The envelope will be plain, and hand written. I will NOT say Paternity on the envelope for PRIVACY purposes. It is YOUR responsibility to provide us with your address and your phone number that we can keep in touch with you, and that we are ALLOWED to call you on.

Who can purchase and do a NON-Legal Paternity Test?
Anyone has the right to purchase a NON-Legal Paternity Test. Non-Legal Testing can NOT be used in Court, and will not stand up for any other type of Legal applications. This test is for curiosity purposes only.

Note : All Non Legal Kits purchased must be submitted to the lab within 2 weeks of purchase AND all tests that show up to the lab without being paid for will be destroyed.